Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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September 26-27, 2013 -
Educational Session - Certification Seminar for Industry Segment
“Eco-friendly, Low-Carbon and Climate technology” of the
National Technology Transfer Network

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the work of the Education Session - Certification Seminar for Industry Segment “Eco-friendly, Low-Carbon and Climate technologies” of the National Technology Transfer Network, which will be held on September 26-27, 2013 on the basis of the Donetsk National University (Donetsk, st. Schorsa 46, 616).

Organizers of the event are the Ministry of Education and Science and the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine , with the support of the European Union in the framework of the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine”, which is implemented in the Donetsk National University.

During the event will address the following questions:
 • International protection of intellectual property and technology transfer;
 • Implementation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the state policy in the sphere of development of innovation infrastructure and technology transfer;
 • Legal framework of technology transfer;
 • National Technology Transfer Network (NTTN);
 • National Bank of Ukraine for Technology (NRT);
 • The Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN);
 • The Ukrainian-Russian Inter-Universities Technology Transfer Network (UkrRosNet);
 • Technological network profiles UkrRosNet;
 • Preparation of technology offers and requests in the NTTN and RTTN networks;
 • Work with the administrative panel network NTTN;
 • Placement of technology offers NTTN and RTTN networks;
 • The technology transfer center of the university. Recommendations for the creation and development of technology transfer at the university;
 • ELCC NTTN - Industry Segment “Eco-friendly, Low-Carbon and Climate technologies” of the National Technology Transfer Network;
 • Lab participants ELCC NTTN segment of the network.

The organizers will provide participants information materials and coffee breaks. Seminar participants will receive a Certificate of Technology Manager of the National Technology Transfer Network.

For the preparation of personal testimony , please provide the following information:
 - Name,
 - Title, section name,
 - The name of the university, institute, academy etc.
by E-mail: lcoir@ukr.net .

Looking forward to your active participation in the Seminar work.

Organising Committee.

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