Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

Open information and consultation website for European programs in education, research and innovation

The project was funded by the European Union

A project implemented by the
Donetsk National University

Executor of project is
Research & Education Center “NBI-Convergence”

Project "NCPs CaRE":
National Contact Points for
Climate action, Raw Materials, Environment and Resource Efficiency

Virtual Interactive
Platform for
Low-Carbon Open Innovation Relay
in Ukraine"

Project partner:
Coal Energy Technology Institute of the
NAS of Ukraine

Participants of the project

Coordinator of the project

News of project:

December 31, 2014

The project team LCOIR-UA, as well as project partners NCPs CaRE - Network of National Contact Points in the direction of "Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials" of the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "HORIZON 2020", congratulating visitors with Happy New Year and wish you new successes in research and innovation! ...

February 13, 2014 a seminar "The European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "HORIZON 2020" ...
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24 May 2013 Project participants met with the Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Jan TOMBINSKI ...
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22 April 2013 on the web site of the project is open access (in Russian) to the video lectures of the TV channel «CULTURE» ...
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25 March 2013 on the web site of the project is open access (in English) to video lectures and other educational resources «Google earth» ...
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12, 19 and 26 February 2013 the Donetsk National University presented a series of lectures for graduate students of Faculties of Science«Climate change and opportunities for adaptation or mitigation» ...
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17 January 2013 The presentation of the results of the project at the Annual Scientific Sessions DonNU in a report «Interim report on the scientific, technical, educational and informational activities for 2011-2012», who presented the LCOIR-UA project coordinator ...

December 26, 2012 a seminar on "European scientific cooperation against climate change", dedicated to the records of the project participants for trips to the European Union

December 19, 2012 Donetsk National University and the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" organized Vibenar "All Science against Climate Change" ...
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November 29-30, 2012 hosted of the Internet-Conference “LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION FOR REGIONS UKRAINE” ...
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October 25, 2012 a representative of the project LCOIR-UA participated in the second meeting of the working group for the project to develop a road map for carbon capture and storage ...

October 23, 2012 in Donetsk National University held Roundtable "The Project is a Regional Roadmap for Implementation of Technologies to Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine" ...
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May 23-24, 2012 the project LCOIR-UA participated in the Second International Forum "Ecology of Industrial Regions" ...
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April 27, 2012 - Representative of the project LCOIR-UA - the winner of Donetsk Chamber of Commerce, "Invest in Donbass - Invest in the Future" ...
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April 17-19, 2012 a representative of the project LCOIR-UA took part in the 7th CO2GeoNet Open Forum, which was organized on the San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy ...
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March 15, 2012 on the website of the project test access to Geographic Information System (GIS) geological storage of CO2 in the eastern regions of Ukraine ...
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February 15, 2012 on the website of the project test access to Geographic Information System (GIS) sources of CO2 in the eastern regions of Ukraine ...
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January 26, 2012 for Annual Sessions of the Donetsk National University, made a presentation during the 2011 work on the project LCOIR-UA and work plan for 2012 ...
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January 10, 2012 open access to the "Virtual library of project", where resources are available from open sources on the theme of project in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English ...
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December 15, 2011 a Roundtable on “LOW-CARBON INNOVATIONS FOR THE SOLUTION OF REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS” was held in Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy …
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November 17, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Round table “Energy efficiency and new possibilities of upgrading products in industry”, which was organized in Donetsk by “TUF NORD UKRAINE” at support of the General consulate of Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk ...
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November 10-11, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Final conference of project “Joint Support Office for Enhancing Ukraine’s integration into the European Research Area (JSO-ERA)” in Kiev ...
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November 8-11, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Specialized exhibition “ENERGO-EFFICIENCY 2011”, which took place in the International exhibition center (Kiev) ...
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November 7-9, 2011 the representative of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the International scientific conference “Problem of Adaptation to Climate Change”, which took place in Moscow (Russian Federation) ...
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October 18, 2011 the representative of the LCOIR-UA project took part in opening of Days of Sweden in Donetsk and exhibitions “PLUS 1îÑ - are Climatic Changes by the Language of Cartoonists of Ukraine and Sweden – Facing the climate” ...
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All news...

International Scientific Electronic Journal
"Low-Carbon Open Innovation Reviews"

2011, No. 01 2011, No. 02 2011, No. 03 2012, No. 04 2012, No. 05 2012, No. 06 2012, No. 07 2012, No. 08 2012, No. 09 2012, No. 10 2012, No. 11 2012, No. 12 2013, No. 13 2013, No. 14 2013, No. 15 2013, No. 16

GIS CO2 Sources

GIS CO2 Sinks

Actual video:
Carbon capture and storage:
A bridge to a low-carbon future

All video:

New publications:
LCOI-Reviews No. 16
Proc. 2nd Symposium

All publications:

Announcements of events:

February 20, 2014 in Donetsk National Technical University (16:00 in 1st case, Rm. 203) held a seminar on the new system Climate Wikience ...
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October 30-31, 2013 held a 2nd International Scientific and Practical Symposium on LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATIONS FOR THE REGIONS OF UKRAINE ...
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September 26-27, 2013 held a Educational Session - Certification Seminar for Industry Segment “Eco-friendly, Low-Carbon and Climate technology” of the National Technology Transfer Network ...
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24 May 2013 held a meeting with the Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Jan TOMBINSKI ...
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12, 19 and 26 February 2013 will be presented a series of lectures for PhD students “Climate Change and Opportunities for Adaptation or Mitigation” ...
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December 19, 2012, at 13:00 GMT (15:00 Ukrainian time) will host a webinar “All Science against Climate Change” to prepare draft project of the 7th Framework Programme for competition Marie Curie - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme ...
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November 29, 2012 will be a Internet-Conference “LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION FOR REGIONS UKRAINE” ...
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October 23, 2012 in Donetsk at the International Scientific and Practical Symposium “LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION FOR REGIONS UKRAINE” (LCOIR-UA-2012) will be a Roundtable “The Project is a Regional Roadmap for Implementation of Technologies to Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine”
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June 20, 2012,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -

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14 May to 22 June 2012
UNITAR - UNEP E-Learning course “Introduction to a Green Economy"
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April 17-19, 2012 in Italy (San Servolo Island, Venice) will host a 7th CO2GeoNet Open Forum
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May 14-17, 2012 in Greece (Athens) will host a 7th Annual International Symposium on Environment
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June 14-15, 2012 in Austria (Vienna) will host a World Conference on Climate Change and Humanity
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June 17-23, 2012 in Bulgaria (Albena) will host a International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO – SGEM (Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management)
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October 24–26, 2012 in Spain (Gandia) will host a The Second International Conference on Green Communications and Networking
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November 5-9, 2012 in Germany (Hamburg) will host a The World?s CO2-friendly Scientific On-line Climate Conference "Climate Change, Island States and Sustainable Technologies".
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Until April 30, 2012 offer to participate in the author's team for the formation of the monograph "The Low-Carbon Open Innovation for Regions of Ukraine”.
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Until April 30, 2012 accepted entries will in the categories: photography, video, drawing, cartoon and sculpture - on the subject of “Climate Change in the Technogenic Region - the Donbass”.
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All events…

Information about
Shale Gas
GIS and

Today's Temperatures

Interesting and Useful Resources/References/Books/Brochures/Articles/Web-sites/Links, including these:
CO2GeoNet Diplo's Climate Change Building NASA's Climate Time Machine U.S. and Canada Carbon Atlas

The views expressed on this web-site do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission
© Donetsk National University, 2011-2015
© Mykola S. Shestavin, 2011-2015