Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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2nd International Scientific and Practical Symposium on

Dear colleagues!

We kindly invite you to take part in the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Symposium on LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATIONS FOR THE REGIONS OF UKRAINE to be held on October 30-31, 2013 in Donetsk National University. The Symposium is held within the project on Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA), implemented by the Donetsk National University and financed by the European Union.

The symposium will focus on the following issues:
• scientific research , technological development and commercial demonstration of low-carbon technologies;
   o energy-saving technologies in various fields of economy and the technologies for improving of energy efficiency of industrial, energy, transport and household equipment;
   o technologies for efficient and environmentally friendly burning of fossil fuels;
   o technologies for renewable energy sources;
   o carbon capture and storage technologies etc.
• intellectual property rights to low-carbon technologies and the application of open innovation principles to meet the challenges of climate change adaptation and mitigation of its consequences both in Ukraine and worldwide;
• political, legal , economic and social problems connected with the implementation of low-carbon technologies in Ukraine and worldwide.

The Faculty of Biology, Donetsk National University – Donetsk, vul. Schorsa 46, meeting room 616.

Form of participation:
Participation in plenary sessions, on-line participation (Skype).

Proceedings of the symposium will be published as a collection of abstracts and as a collection of articles in the International Electronic Scientific Journal "LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION REVIEWS". Requirements to papers: volume of abstracts – up to 3 pages, volume of articles – up to 12 pages; page size - A4, margins: left – 3 cm , right, top and bottom – 2 cm; font – Times New Roman, 12; spacing – single; structure – UDK, paper title, author’s full name, author’s organisation name, city, country, abstract, keywords, text of the article, literature).

October 21, 2013 – submission of applications for participation in the symposium ;
October 23, 2013 – submission of abstracts;
October 25, 2013 – notification of acceptance of abstracts;
October 30-31, 2013 – symposium sessions;
November 15, 2013 – submission of articles for the scientific journal;
December 10, 2013 - notification of acceptance of articles;
December 20, 2013 - issue of the journal;
December 23-27, 2013 – sending of the journal copy by e-mail.

You can submit an application in a free form, send an abstract and an article as well as get more information by sending an E-mail: lcoir@ukr.net .

Looking forward to your active participation in the Symposium work.

Organising Committee.

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