Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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Contest “GREEN CUBE”

The project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, which is implemented by the Donetsk National University and funded by the European Union, announced an open contest “GREEN CUBE” on 5 categories:

performed on the subject of “Climate Change in Technogenic Region – Donbass” and creatively reflect the following questions:

  • Contact the ecological state of the environment with the prospect of global warming;
  • Adapting to climate change, mitigation and the possibility of stabilizing the climate;
  • Energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy and energy management;
  • The introduction of clean technologies in industry and agriculture of Ukraine, as well as clean coal technologies in power engineering, metallurgy and chemical industry of Ukraine;
  • Technologies of capture, transport and geological storage of CO2;
  • Investments in stabilizing the climate: trends, risks, socio-economic efficiency.

Work for the contest are accepted until February 29, 2012. Winners will be awarded prizes, certificates and bonuses at the end of March 2012.

Additional information on E-mail: libr-lcoir@yandex.ru

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