Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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Invitation to the authors of the monograph
“Low-Carbon Open Innovation for Regions of Ukraine”

The collective monograph “Low-Carbon Open Innovation for Regions of Ukraine”, which is prepared under the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, which is implemented by the Donetsk National University and funded by the European Union, will address the following issues:

  • Contact the ecological state of the environment with the prospect of global warming;
  • Adapting to climate change mitigation and the possibility of stabilizing the climate;
  • Energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy and energy management;
  • The introduction of cleaner technologies in industry and agriculture of Ukraine, as well as clean coal technologies in power engineering, metallurgy and chemical industry of Ukraine;
  • Technologies of capture, transport and geological storage of CO2;
  • Investments in stabilizing the climate: trends, risks, socio-economic efficiency.

In shaping the content of the monograph can take part of any member of the project or project activities, presenting to February 29, 2012 brief summary (up to 1 page of text in Russian, Ukrainian or English), the name and the list of items of content (single author or group of authors) section of the monograph, which should correspond to the topic of one of the above questions and have a capacity of 15-25 pages in A4 size paper, drawn up by the following rules:

  • Section title font Times New Roman, bold, 14 pt;
  • On 1 interval - surname and initials of author (s), font Times New Roman, bold italic, 13 pt and separated by commas Degree font Times New Roman, italic, 13 pt;
  • University, Institution or Company name of author (s) with a new line font Times New Roman, italic, 13 pt;
  • Then after an interval - the text of the section font Times New Roman, 12 pt;
  • The name of subsections are shown in bold;
  • Field: right, left, top - 20 mm, bottom - 25 mm;
  • Graphic material and pictures (no color) in the JPEG (labels in drawings executed font Times New Roman, 10 pt) to place the text at the first mention of this figure;
  • Tables are placed in the text when first mentioned and the content of tables drawn font Times New Roman, 10 pt;
  • A reference to the literature and other sources of information take the form of footnotes at the bottom of the page;
  • Annotation sections in Russian, Ukrainian and English - all: the title and text - on a full page of type Times New Roman, 10 pt placed at the end of the section;
  • The language of the monograph is Russian (In the case of an topic in English translated into Russian by edited book in consultation with the author).

Until March 30, 2012 will be generated and sent to the contents of the monograph the authors on preparing the full text sections that need to be submitted before May 31, 2012. This monograph will be published in Q4 2012.

Additional information on E-mail: lcoir@ukr.net

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