Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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International Scientific and Practical Symposium

"The project is a regional road map implementation of technologies to capture and store carbon dioxide in the east of Ukraine"

October 23, 2012 under the project "Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)", which is implemented by the Donetsk National University (DonNU) and funded by the European Union (EU), will kick-off event of the First International Scientific and Practical Symposium "LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION for REGIONS of UKRAINE" (LCOIR-UA-2012): Roundtable "The Project is a Regional Roadmap for Implementation of Technologies to Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine".

Moderator of the round table - Ph.D. Mykola Shestavin, coordinator of the EU project "Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine" in the Donetsk National University.

At the round table will address the following questions:

  • economic, legal, social and environmental aspects of the introduction of low-carbon innovation in Ukraine;
  • possible capture of carbon dioxide in the Ukrainian power plants;
  • prospects for energy conservation and energy efficiency in the energy, industrial and municipal sectors of the eastern regions of Ukraine;
  • capacity assessment of the geological storage of carbon dioxide to the east of Ukraine;
  • draft recommendations on the implementation of technologies to capture and storage carbon dioxide in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

Estimated number of participants of the round table, which will be held in the Biology Department, Donetsk National University, - no less than 40 representatives of the regional government and self-government, industrial and energy companies, researchers of universities and research institutes in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

We invite you and your colleagues to participate in the symposium and round table.

The round table will be held October 23, 2012 from 10:00 to 17:00 (registration from 9:00) in the Interactive scientific-methodological Center for Low-Carbon Open Innovation Relay (Center LCOIR)(Donetsk, st. Shchorsa, 46, 6th floor , of. 616).

Preliminary program of the roundtable is available here.

If you wish to speak at a round table with the presentation of the message, or to take part in the next event of the symposium (online conferences with the release of Proceedings of the Symposium with International Index ISBN), please contact the organizing committee of the Symposium on E-mail: lcoir@ukr.net

Roundtable participants who made presentations or reports, offered free of charge to place an article in the Proceedings of the Symposium.

Other participants of the round table and online conference will present their articles in the collection for a fee after a preliminary review of the organizing committee.

On a Web-Conference "Low-Carbon Open Innovation for Regions of Ukraine" will be considered fundamental and applied, scientific, social, economic and legal issues of development and deployment of low-carbon, environmental, energy-saving technologies and innovations in Ukraine.

The deadlines for submission of documents are:

17 October (inclusive) - Form 1 the round table, which will participate in a roundtable discussion as a listener;

17 October (inclusive) - Form 1 the round table, which will report to the presentation (or message) on a round table - along with the application form must be sent to the organizing committee of the presentation (or message) format Surname.ppt (or Surname.doc);

October 18 - Roundtable speakers informed the decision of the organizing committee for the inclusion of the presentation (or messages) in a round-table program and sent invitations to all the participants of the round table;

October 23 - a Roundtable;

November 8 (inclusive) - Form 2 members online conference, which, together with the application form is abstract in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and English) and article on one of these three languages (see Rules for abstracts and articles) to participate in online conferences and publications in the Proceedings of the Symposium;

15-16 November - will be sent to authors of articles reviewing the results and conditions of payment of the registration fee online conference participants;

November 29-30 - an online conference (posting articles on the web site: www.lcoir-ua.eu, - and their discussion in online comments);

December 10-11 - sending copies of copyright Proceedings of the Symposium.

Contact information:
Mykola Shestavin
Project Coordinator LCOIR-UA
E-mail: lcoir@ukr.net

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