Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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> East-Ukraine Potential CO2 Sources

           Ukraine is ranked 7th in Europe in terms of CO2 emissions, with major sources of CO2 emissions are located in Eastern Ukraine. On the basis of three public databases on the CO2 sources is created Geographic Information System CO2 sources Eastern Ukraine, which is updated in terms of Coal Power Plants, Iron & Steel Works and Cement Factories, as well as expanded by taking into account emissions of Coking Works. Analysis of the geological structure of Eastern Ukraine points to the possibility of CO2 geological storage of large amounts.

1 Share of Ukraine and its regions in the volume of CO2 emissions

The need and methods of removal of CO2 in the implementation process associated with the burning of fossil fuels, is justified in the Special Report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [1]. Also shown on a global scale the major CO2 sources and its long-term geological storage sites. Most countries have already adopted their programs and do research, pilot and industrial projects for the implementation of technologies CO2 capture, transport and geological storage. According to the website Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA) [2] Ukraine is ranked 7th in Europe in terms of CO2 emissions (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Volumes of CO2 emissions and energy production

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

In this case the main sources of CO2 emissions are localized in the eastern regions of Ukraine, the total contribution of more than 78% of the nationwide emissions, equal to 73.4 Mts of CO2 per year (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Regions of Ukraine, in which the amount of CO2 exceeds 1 Mts per year (data source: [2])

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Therefore, assessment of potential for technology adoption Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is performed in Eastern Ukraine in the framework of the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)” is funded by the European Union to grant contract No. DCI/ENV 2010/243-865.

2 East-Ukrainian online database of the sources of CO2

Using the information from 3 open databases: CARMA [2], BELLONA [3], IEA [4] - as well as additional new data directly from the power plants, metallurgical, cement, coke and chemical plants, created a regional Geographic Information System (GIS) of CO2, sources which covers five eastern regions of Ukraine (Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Luhansk, and Zaporizhia). The GIS is available in free access on the website of the project LCOIR-UA (http://www.lcoir-ua.eu). Filling and updating of the GIS is made as new information from the Ukrainian enterprises.

This GIS allows us to estimate the amount of ÑÎ2 emissions from a particular company with an indication of its geographical position. It is possible to simultaneously analyze all types of industries (Fig. 3), and consider only the elected branches of companies:
- Coal Power Plants (as of 2011 [5], the share of coal in the fuel is more than 97.5% as against 52.3%, as shown in [2]);
- Gas Power Plants;
- Iron & Steel Works;
- Coking Works;
- Cement Factories;
- Chemical (including Refineries) Facrories.

It is planned to supplement this database of information about CO2 emissions from the city's housing and communal services, public and personal motor vehickes. The volume of the CO2 emission of these sources are comparable to the already accounted of the CO2 sources. Establishment in the near future a database on promising sites for CO2 storage in the Donets Basin will be included in this GIS.

Fig. 3. The page layout “All Sources” GIS CO2 sources on website www.lcoir-ua.eu

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left


[1] IPCC, 2005: IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Prepared by Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Metz, B., O. Davidson, H. C. de Coninck, M. Loos, and L. A. Meyer (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 442 pp.
[2] Carbon Monitoring for Action is produced at the Center for Global Development, Washington, DC (USA). – http://carma.org
[3] The Bellona Foundation. – http://www.bellona.org
[4] International Energy Agency. – http://www.iea.org
[5] National Joint Stock Company “Energy Company of Ukraine” – http://www.ecu.gov.ua

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European Commission and the Government of Ukraine
© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014