Research and Education Center “Convergence of Nano-, Bio- and Info- Technologies for Balanced Regional Development”
Research and Education Center “Convergence of Nano-, Bio- and Info- Technologies for Balanced Regional Development” (hereinafter - the Center) is a structural research and education division of Donetsk National University (hereinafter - the University) was established on the basis of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (hereinafter - MES) of 04.03.2009 No. 199 and rector of the University of 02.04.2009 No. 36/05.
The purpose of the Centre is to conduct them interdisciplinary research and development, creation of competitive scientific and applied results, the implementation of innovation and on that basis, the conditions of the in-depth scientific and technical training.
In accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On the priority areas of science and technology” from 11.07.2001 No. 2623-III and “On priority directions of innovation activity in Ukraine” dated 16.01.2003 No. 433-IV order of MES of Ukraine from 04.03.2009 No. 199 defines the main directions of the Centre:
1. Research in the field of environmental conservation and sustainable regional development through the use of nano-, bio-, info- technologies and their convergence.
2. Improvement and implementation of resource-saving technologies in energy, industry and agriculture.
The main tasks of the Centre are:
- Improving the quality of training based on attracting talented students and undergraduates to conduct research, to attract leading scientists of academic science to the educational process of the University.
- Deepening the integration of science and education on the basis of collaboration between scientists at the University and academic institutions on joint basic and applied research that meet the modern scientific world level.
- Enhancing innovation through the introduction of joint industrial production results of the latest scientific developments University scientists and academic institutions.
- Improved training of highly qualified personnel through training graduate and doctoral students at the University of laboratories and departments of academic institutions.
- Improvement of scientific organizational and educational work.
To perform tasks and marked the objective of the Center performs the following activities:
- Preparation of scientific and scientific-teaching staff of the University, students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral significant scientific results, the creation of competitive scientific and technical developments and emerging technologies.
- Implementation of marketing science and technology in accordance with the directions of scientific research and technological development, the implementation of innovation.
- Commercialization of intellectual property rights and technology transfer at the University, which are created at the University at the expense of the state budget funds or other customers.
- Promotion of the entrepreneurial potential of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, researchers and academic staff.
- In-depth scientific and scientific-technical training of students, undergraduates, graduate and doctoral students, increase scientific, educational and managerial skills of scientific and pedagogical workers by training and implementation of joint research and development, in particular with the involvement of academic institutions National Academies of Sciences and industry, and foreign research institutions and educational institutions.
- Promotion of scientific knowledge, intellectual property students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students for their subsequent employment in the specialty as a scientific and pedagogical workers, domestic technology developers, managers, scientific and technological business and government in the field of education, science, technology and production.
To achieve the goal of its activities, the Centre shall perform the following functions:
- Basic and applied research, especially interdisciplinary, which meet international standards.
- Creation of competitive application development of new equipment, technologies and materials.
- Technology transfer within the scientific, technical and industrial cooperation and collaboration with industry, the agricultural sector and the service sector by building an innovative business environment.
- Providing conditions for the preparation of students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students in accordance with the main directions of scientific and technical activities of the Centre and the requirements of innovative economic development.
- Preparation of scientific and methodological base training of scientific and pedagogical workers.
- Postgraduate training and retraining in the basic directions of scientific and technical activities of the Centre.
- Preparing and conducting regional, national and international conferences, symposia and seminars on the basic directions of scientific and technical activities of the Centre.
- Development and production of printed materials science, popular science, advertising and information, educational and methodical nature in key areas of the Centre.
- Adaptation of scientific and educational activities to the requirements of the European scientific and educational space.
- The use of human scientific potential of the Center for solving urgent scientific and technical problems of economic development of the region and the country.
- Integration of scientific and educational activities of the Center with the scientific research institutions and production activities of enterprises.
- International scientific, technical and educational cooperation with universities, research institutions, enterprises, companies and foundations.
To perform their jobs Center has the right to:
- On a priority within the University providing funding for research and development through general fund of the state budget, updating and logistics.
- Perform selection for the faculties and departments with the assistance of officials from the leadership of the University of gifted students, and graduate students (at their request) for engaging in scientific research, in-depth scientific and technical training.
- Establish standards of academic load science teachers Center at the University of lower operating under conditions corresponding increase in working time to conduct their research and development, management and maintenance of scientific work of students , undergraduates and postgraduates.
- Serve appropriate proposals on reducing the teaching load individual undergraduates by increasing the time the performance of research and development.
- Obtain a priority at the University of additional staff positions scientific and pedagogical workers for employment in the Center master's and doctoral graduates who have gone there -depth scientific and scientific-technical training.
- In accordance with the legislation to implement the business and scientific contacts with universities, research institutions, enterprises, organizations, businesses and citizens of other countries.
- Within the agreements to cooperate with domestic and foreign legal entities of different forms of ownership and individuals in accordance with applicable law regarding the implementation of research and development activities, services, sales of scientific and technical products, licenses and the like within the main areas scientific, technological and innovation activities of the Center.
- Involve to perform work of national and foreign specialists on a contractual basis, civil contracts and in other circumstances which do not contradict the legislation.
- Centre for prized employees achieved scientific and applied results.
Expected impact of the Centre's activities
Every scientific and scientific-pedagogical center employee must:
- Annually publish at least three scientific papers in professional journals HAC and foreign professional journals, among which at least one - a sole;
- Administer the research and development of at least two students, undergraduates and graduate students who was responsible for their individual in-depth scientific, technological and innovation training.
Scientific and teaching staff of the Centre, which is being prepared for the doctoral thesis must publish scientific monograph on the topic of the thesis.
Doctors and candidates of sciences, which are involved in the educational process at the Centre should be over the term of the Program issued no less than five printed pages in its own reserve textbooks and manuals.
Each basic or applied research work, which is performed by general fund of the state budget should be completed before the publication of scientific monograph.
Each applied scientific development, which is performed by general fund of the state budget is completed creation of a competitive global market research and applied results or such a result is considerable utility for the economy and society in Ukraine confirmed the user's documents, patents, licenses sold, the positive findings of scientific technical expertise.
Each graduate student who has passed scientific training at the Center for over one and a half years old, must have at least two scientific papers in professional journals HAC or foreign professional journals, at least one of which is the sole.
Center should increase the level of scientific and educational cooperation and by enhancing the diversity of working with academic institutions NAS and branch academies of sciences and other ministries, enterprises, institutions and organizations.
The center should have a higher than average for the University, fundraising performance of domestic and foreign customers, grants to perform research and development in relation to the respective general fund of the state budget per scientific and teaching staff.
The center should develop a procedure to ensure that the conditions and training of graduate students, young scientists and staff of scientific and pedagogical staff at leading universities and research institutions in Ukraine and other countries.
Centre should report annually to the MES on the results of assignments and activities in accordance with established criteria and indicators.
Financing of scientific, technological and innovation activities of the Center is funded from the general fund of the state budget allocated for conducting basic and applied research and development funds that were received for the performance of work, provision of services in accordance with the functional powers, as well as grant activities own funds Center, sponsors, credit and other income not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.
Centre obliged to modernize and upgrade its logistical base in accordance with the needs of security activities on selected scientific and technical direction, directing annually is part of the total income.
On the execution of tasks of the State target scientific and technical and social program “Science in Universities” for 2008-2017 Centre shall pay workers at a separate scheme and estimates, which are approved by the order of MES.