Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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March 23, 2011 at 14:00 in the conference hall of Donetsk National University held off meeting and presentation of the new Ukrainian-French project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine”, funded by the European Union.

The meeting was opened by Vice Rector for International Relations DonNU Nikolai Ivanitsyn, turning to and welcomed the participants.

Vaclav Vorachek, Head of the Energy Sector the European Union Delegation in Ukraine, stressed the importance of the project for Ukraine and the European Union, because it really could contribute to mitigating climate change and reduce the average annual temperature by 2°C.

Roman Kishkan, Head of Environmental Safety of Donetsk City Council, gave a presentation: telling the meeting about the environment and the city of Donetsk noting the gradual reduction of emissions into the air and into surface waters of the city and increase the city budget funding of environmental measures.

According to Natalia Romaniuk, Head of the Department of Ecology, Donetsk Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce significant effort on supporting businesses engaged in environmental activities, and regularly holds round-table discussions on issues of business responsibility for climate change.

Presenting the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine”, its Project Coordinator Mykola Shestavin said he hoped for a significant project impact on local government officials and business leaders through awareness of world experience in adapting to climate change. Carrying out the project activities will begin the process of regional implementation of successful international practices in the energy sector and provide recommendations for improving national legislation.

Aurelien Leynet, Representative of the French project partners - the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research - in the presentation spoke about his organization, the importance of her work within France and the European Union and the international context of activities. Elaborated on the role and the specificity of partner within the project to create Geographic Information Systems, sources of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks.

Summing up the results of an initial meeting of Sergey Tretyakov, Head of the State Administration of Environmental Protection in the Donetsk region, project participants and wished successful and fruitful cooperation with regional authorities and businesses to share knowledge and experience to expand the use of modern technologies in order to adapt to climate change and mitigation. According to him, in the Donetsk region and has already done much to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the air, in particular, businesses that do not receive permits for emissions, account for substantial fines and take other preventive actions.

The meeting brought together researchers and professors of Donetsk National University, Donetsk National Technical University and other universities in the region, scientists are institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, representatives of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, and journalists. Activities within this project will last 18 months and will cover the eastern regions of Ukraine: Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions.

The project plans an educational session for heads of regional authorities, industrial and energy enterprises, and 6 round tables to separate categories of stakeholders from the five selected regions. Prior to completion of the project in 2012, will be held an international scientific-practical conference for scientists and engineers who have considerable theoretical and practical results in the development and implementation of climate technologies, as well as other issues of climate change.

In the 2011-2012 academic year for graduate and undergraduate university courses, natural and economic sciences, will be organized by an additional series of lectures on climate change and the use of climate technologies.

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