Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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April 17-19, 2012 a representative of the project LCOIR-UA took part in the 7th CO2GeoNet Open Forum, which was organized on the San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy ...
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March 15, 2012 on the website of the project test access to Geographic Information System (GIS) geological storage of CO2 in the eastern regions of Ukraine...
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February 15, 2012 on the website of the project test access to Geographic Information System (GIS) sources of CO2 in the eastern regions of Ukraine...
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January 26, 2012 for Annual Sessions of the Donetsk National University, made a presentation during the 2011 work on the project LCOIR-UA and work plan for 2012 ...
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January 10, 2012 open access to the "Virtual library of project", where resources are available from open sources on the theme of project in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English...
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December 15, 2011 a Roundtable on “LOW-CARBON INNOVATIONS FOR THE SOLUTION OF REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS” was held in Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy…
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November 17, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Round table “Energy efficiency and new possibilities of upgrading products in industry”, which was organized in Donetsk by “TUF NORD UKRAINE” at support of the General consulate of Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk...
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November 10-11, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Final conference of project “Joint Support Office for Enhancing Ukraine’s integration into the European Research Area (JSO-ERA)” in Kiev...
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November 8-11, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Specialized exhibition “ENERGO-EFFICIENCY 2011”, which took place in the International exhibition center (Kiev)...
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November 7-9, 2011 the representative of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the International scientific conference “Problem of Adaptation to Climate Change”, which took place in Moscow (Russian Federation)...
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October 18, 2011 the representative of the LCOIR-UA project took part in opening of Days of Sweden in Donetsk and exhibitions “PLUS 1îÑ - are Climatic Changes by the Language of Cartoonists of Ukraine and Sweden – Facing the climate”...
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October 6-7, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Brokerage meetings Netherlands, Polish and Ukrainian experts on preparation of new joint project on researches of technologies of carbon capture and storage, which was organized by project “Joint Support Office for Enhancing Ukraine’s integration into the European Research Area (JSO-ERA)” in Ivano-Francovsk...
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September 14-15, 2011 in the Donetsk Regional Center Retraining and In-plant Trainings of Civil Servants took place of the Educational session project LCOIR-UA “Low-Carbon Technologies for Stabilization of Climate”...
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June 30, 2011 in Institute for Coal Power Technologies of the NAS of Ukraine (Kiev) the 2th Co-ordinating conference took place for preventions of duplication within the framework of implementation of the European projects and conclusion of Agreement about collaboration between Institute for Coal Power Technologies of the NAS of Ukraine and Donetsk National University...
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June, 27, 2011 presentation of the LCOIR-UA project for scientists, graduate students and students of physical and chemical faculties took place in the Donetsk National University...
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June 23-24, 2011 the representatives of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the International ecological forum “Ecology of Industrial region” which took place in the Specialized Exhibition Center “EXPODONBASS” (Donetsk)...
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June 14, 2011 presentation of the LCOIR-UA project for scientists, graduate students and students of mathematical faculty took place in the Donetsk National University...
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May 27, 2011 the Co-ordinating conference for preventions of duplication within the framework of implementation of the European projects took place in Institute for Coal Power Technologies of the NAS of Ukraine (Kiev)...
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May 18, 2011 the representative of the LCOIR-UA project took part in work of the Round table “Carbon Capture and Storage: Prospects of Technology in Ukraine”, which was organized by the International Energy Agency and Donbass Fuel and Energy Company...
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April 14, 2011 presentation of the LCOIR-UA project for scientists, graduate students and students of biological faculty took place in the Donetsk National University...
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March, 30, 2011 in the Research & Education Center “NBI-Convergence” the working conference of deputies deans on research of faculties DonNU took place on the concordance of plan of implementation of the LCOIR-UA project...
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March 23, 2011 in the Donetsk National University the Kick-off conference and presentation took place project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, financed by European Union...
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March 11, 2011 the representative of the LCOIR-UA project took part in startovome Kick-off meeting project “Demonstration, dissemination and deployment of CCT and CCS in Ukraine”, which took place in Ministry Energy and Coal Industry (Kiev)...
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February 10, 2011 the working conference of deputies deans on research of faculties DonNU took place on the questions of preparation of kick-off conference and presentation of project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, financed by European Union...
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January 27, 2011 in the Donetsk National University took place the Starting meeting in the mode of the TV-conference on opening of works on the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, financed by European Union...
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January 17, 2011 in DonNU took place of the working consultation of deputies deans on research of faculties DonNU on the questions of preparation of starting meeting in the mode of the TV-conference on opening of project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, financed by European Union...
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