Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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> Conception of project

           Ukraine is the seventh country in Europe in terms of CO2, and more than 70% of these emissions result from the energy sector, mainly from the burning of domestic coal (5th report of Ukraine on climate change, Kiev, 2009). Most power plants, located in the eastern part of Ukraine, namely in the regions selected for the project.

The remaining industries: metallurgy, mining companies and chemical industries - are enormous users of coal for energy and most of these factories are also located in the regions to be studied.

In recent decades, in Ukraine there is a reduction of CO2 emissions from industrial production and folding of the regular closing of factories. To revive the industrial sector without excessive increase of CO2, in Ukraine, as well as in the Donbass industrial region in the main, it is necessary to begin implementation of clean coal technologies and technologies of carbon capture and storage (climate technology).

The main problem faced by the Ukrainian energy sector is the deterioration of the equipment: a large part of which has been operating for over 50 years. Equipment is already very old, to be adapted to less emission and climate technologies, and thus should be dismantled and replaced by new technologies.

Now is the time for Ukraine to update their technology and choose the most effective. So there is a need and the need to enhance knowledge in the area of climate technology for policy-makers, industrialists, engineers and scientists.

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and the Government of Ukraine
© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014