Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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> Aims of project

The overall objectives of the project are:

  • Encourage and assist the actual implementation of activities to introduce climate technologies in Ukraine

  • Cooperation in the area of climate technology between Ukraine and the European Community

The specific objectives are as follows:

  • Improve knowledge of Ukrainian context for climate technology

  • Identify potential targets for the current programs of adaptation to climate technologies Ukraine

  • Creation of a major stakeholder views on climate technology as a tool to combat climate change

Target groups of selected industrial regions (Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions) are:

  • Regional governments and local authorities

  • Administrative and technical staff of regional energy and industrial companies

  • Representatives of regional educational and scientific communities

  • Students and graduates of natural sciences and economics departments of universities

The views expressed on this web-site do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission
and the Government of Ukraine
© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014