Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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> Components of project

Donetsk National University (DonNU), together with a project partner of France - the Bureau of geological and mining research (BGGI) have three components of the project:

1. Research on a national and regional context the possibilities of using climate technology

The results of this section will be reviews of the global context, the existing Ukrainian political trends, laws and regulations; of stakeholders, as well as advice on building climate technologies in Ukraine.

2. Rating: creation of geographic information systems (GIS)

To assess the opportunities and challenges of climate deployment of technologies in Ukraine will be created GIS sources and sinks of CO2, but also provided recommendations for the actual implementation of the climate technology for facilities in the industrial regions of Ukraine.

3. Exchange of knowledge

Sharing of knowledge created and accumulated during the project implementation will be carried out by organizing and conducting the following activities: educational sessions and round tables for representatives of government and business, for educators, scientists and engineers, an international scientific-practical conference on topical issues of climate change and the use of climate technologies, lectures for undergraduate students and graduate students DonNU. The project will be published: monograph, manuals on the use of climate technologies, quarterly newsletters, as well as to create a Web site aimed at different target groups of the project.

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© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014