Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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Educational session
Low-Carbon Technologies for Stabilize the Climate

14-15 September 2011
Donetsk, Ukraine

14-15 September 2011 in Donetsk was held educational sessions Low-Carbon Technologies for Stabilize the Climate in framework European project Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, which is implemented by the Donetsk National University (Ukraine) with participation of the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (France) and supported by the European Union, the General Directorate of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Donetsk Regional State Administration and State Administration of Environmental Protection in the Donetsk region.

The participants of the session with welcoming words addressed:
- Project Coordinator LCOIR-UA - Mykola Shestavin;
- On behalf of the Donetsk National University - Sergey Radio, Head of the Research Partt;
- On behalf of the Donetsk Regional State Administration - Julia Chikunova, Head of the Efficient Use of Energy Resources of the Main Administration for Industry and Infrastructure Development, who also made a presentation on “Issues of Energy Efficiency in the Donetsk region”.

Session 1 “INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE began with a presentation by the Project Coordinator Mykola Shestavin (Donetsk National University) of the “European project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)””.
Then Michael Kolyada (Donetsk National Technical University) spoke on “Designing the Future of the Results of Climate Change”.
Presentation Poster “Climate Change Building”, which can be easily found at a non-profit organization (DiploFoundation, Malta). Also among the session participants freely distributed Event Calendar project LCOIR-UA, which is based on this poster.

Session 2 “IMPLEMENT LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES opened the report Igor Volchina (Institute of Coal Power Technologies, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev) “Prospects for the Introduction of Clean Coal Technologies in Power System of Ukraine”, which presents the results of the European project “Demonstration, Dissemination and Deployment in Ukraine Clean Coal Technologies and Technologies for Capturing and Storage Carbon Dioxide”.
Next, Denis Afanasyev (Donetsk National University) supplemented the previous report reported on Combined-Cycle Plant with Direct Combustion of Coal in a Fluidized bed under Pressure.
Project Coordinator Mykola Shestavin (Donetsk National University) on behalf of Aurelien Leynet (Bureau of Geological and Mining Research, France) presented an overview of “World and French Experience in Project Design Capture and Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide” in two parts (Part 1 - Introduction to the Problem, and Part 2 - Examples of Solutions).
Report Vladislav Osetrova (State Regional Geological Enterprise “Donetskgeologiya”, Artemovsk) “Geological Aspects of Low-Carbon Technologies Developed Industrial Regions of Ukraine” also consisted of two parts (Part 1 - The geological history of the Donbass, and Part 2 - Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide in Earth's History and Influence the Content of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere, the Climate on the Scale of Geologic History. Overview of Geological Features of the Sedimentary Cover of the Donbass).

Session 3 “EXAMPLES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION PROJECTS IN UKRAINE” began with a speech by Vladimir Morozov (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kiev), “About Us “State Air Quality Management in the Eastern region of the ENPI and the Russian Federation””.
The next performance Ruslan Markov (Ukrainian Society of the Protection of Birds, Lugansk) was devoted to the gained experience of the project “Enhancing the Economic and Legal Instruments for the Conservation of Steppe Biodiversity, Climate Change Adaptation and mitigation (to deposit carbon on degraded agricultural land and industrial use of biomass for local needs energy market)”.
Next Dmitry Laznenko (Sumy State University, Sumy) experience of the Programme of the Norwegian-Ukrainian Cooperation “Preparation and Planning Business Climate Projects” and Helen Tochilina (UKEEP EBRD, Kiev) presented the Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Programme (UKEEP) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
During the poster presentation of the project of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Climate-Friendly Concept of Sustainable Mobility in Ukrainian Cities” (Lviv) to participants of the distributed newsletters and brochures of the project.

Session 4 “THE POSSIBILITY OF THE NEW EUROPEAN UNION PROJECT” began the report by Irina Verbitskaya (Donbass Fuel-Energy Company) “Private Sector Perspectives on the Issues of Carbon Capture and Storage in Ukraine”, which analyzed the activity of DTEK in climate projects.
Eugene Inshekov (Institute for Energy Saving and Energy Management, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute", Kiev) presented the report, “Promoting Investment in Low-Carbon Technologies through the Participation of Ukraine in the European Union project on energy conservation, energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions” Next Dmitry Laznenko (Sumy State University, Sumy) shared his experience of training of JI projects in Ukraine.
Upon completion of the reports was a lively discussion of common problems encountered in the introduction of low-carbon technologies for stabilize the climate.

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