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January 26, 2012 representatives of the project LCOIR-UA participated in the final session of Reporting Scientific Session of Donetsk National University, which were presented the results of the project in 2011.

Project Coordinator, gave a presentation, “Report on the scientific, technical, educational and information work in 2011 on the Grant Contract No. DCI / ENV 2010/243-865 from 29.12.2010 “LOW-CARBON OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRIAL REGIONS OF UKRAINE””.

At the meeting were presented to 4 issues of the Newsletter of the project (No. 01, No. 02, No. 03 and No. 04), 2 Booklet of the project (in Ukrainian and English), 2 Calendar of the project (in 2011 and 2012), 2 Poster Project (Results project and a “Building Climate Change”), as well as a sample Prize of “GREEN CUBE” (if you have installed Java, then the prize of the layout can be seen here and if it is not Java, you look the 1th or 2th photo of prize) for the winners of the upcoming contests.

In discussing the results of the project were given the answers to the questions and concluded that significant progress in implementing the project in 2011.

Photo gallery of the meeting is shown below:

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