Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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Virtual library of project

Virtual library of project contains information resources from the opened sources on the theme of project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, which is implemented by Donetsk National University (Ukraine) and is funded by the European Union.

In this virtual library are two types of resources:

1. Electronic books, which can only be viewed in the on-line, the list:

  • from BOOKS.GOOGLE.COM can be found here;
  • from ISSUU.COM can be found here.
  • from OECD.ORG can be found here.

2. Electronic documents that can be download, print or read on the screen. These documents are presented below.

This page presents information resources in English, you can also find similar resources in Ukrainian and in Russian.

For comfort of the interested persons resources are parted on linguistic principle and placed in alphabetical order on the last names of authors or on the names (if authors are unknown).

If you have additional informative resources on the theme of project, which are absent on this site, we ask you to send them for placing on a site on E-mail: libr-lcoir@yandex.ru

Resources on the theme of project in English

Accelerated Climate Technology Innovation Initiative (ACT II): A New Distributed Strategy to Reform the U.S. Energy Innovation System. – 2009. – 36 p. – 3008.pdf
Arnold M., Ramakrishnan S. / Combating Climate Change: Can Open Innovation Methods help? – 2009. – 9 p. – 3003.pdf
Arnold M., Ramakrishnan S. / Combat climate change – do open innovation methods help? – 2009. – 24 p. – 3010.pdf
Climate Change Science Compendium 2009. – 2009. – 72 p. – 3011.pdf
Diffusion of renewable energy technologies: Case studies of enabling frameworks in developing countries. – 2011. – 18 p. – 3001.pdf
EU emissions trading: An open scheme promoting global innovation to combat climate change. – 2005. – 24 p. – 3006.pdf
Garayannis E.G. / The Freie Concept in the Context of Open Innovation Diplomacy. – 2011. – 36 p. – 3007.pdf
Hall B.H., Helmers C. / Innovation in Clean/Green Technology: Can Patent Commons Help? – 2010. – 36 p. – 3005.pdf
Monkelbaan J. / Transport, Trade and Climate Change: Carbon Footprints, Fuel Subsidies and Market-based Measures. – 2011. – 60 p. – 3009.pdf
Srinivas K.Ravi / Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights. – 2009. – 47 p. – 3002.pdf
Srinivas K.R. / Open Source, Open Innovation and Climate Change Technology Development and Transfer. – 2011. – 25 p. – 3004.pdf

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European Commission and the Government of Ukraine
© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014