Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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Fig. 1. CO2 emissions 1751-2006

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 2.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 3.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 4.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 5.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 6.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 7.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 8.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 9.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 10.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 11.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

Fig. 12.

Figure in a complete size it is possible to look calling on a picture on the left

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European Commission and the Government of Ukraine
© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014