Roundtable “The Project is a Regional Roadmap for Implementation of Technologies to Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine”
Roundtable “The Project is a Regional Roadmap for Implementation of Technologies to Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine” was held October 23, 2012 as the launching event of the First International Scientific and Practical Symposium on “LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION for REGIONS of UKRAINE (LCOIR-UA-2012)”.
The Roundtable was held as part of the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)”, implemented by the Donetsk National University and funded by the European Union.
The Roundtable was attended by over 50 representatives of regional government, science, education and business, as well as representatives of foreign countries: United Kingdom, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and France.
The Roundtable was held in Interactive Scientific-Methodological Center for Low-Carbon Open Innovation Relay (Center LCOIR), which was created as part of LCOIR-UA project and enables interactive communication of the round table, in any country of the world, as well as perform a live broadcast of the meetings Roundtable through the main page of the web site of the project:
Test records of individual fragments of a broadcast of the Roundtable is here. During the week there were more than a hundred entries to display the round table.
At the Roundtable discussed the following issues:
- economic, legal, social and environmental aspects of the implementation of low-carbon innovation in Ukraine;
- possible capture of carbon dioxide in the Ukrainian power plants;
- prospects of energy saving and energy efficiency in the energy, industrial and municipal sectors of the eastern regions of Ukraine;
- assess the potential of the geological storage of carbon dioxide to the east of Ukraine;
- draft recommendations on the implementation of technologies to capture and store carbon dioxide in the eastern regions of Ukraine.
Roundtable was opened by Prof. Svitlana BESPALOVA, Vice-Rector for Research of the Donetsk National University, Dr., Prof., Scientific Director of the Project LCOIR-UA, - who briefed the participants of the Roundtable discussion on the Project LCOIR-UA, about possible Center LCOIR, as well as the program of the Roundtable.
Greeted the participants of the Roundtable called Mr. Erlend FJOSNA, Program Director of the International NGO “BELLONA” (Norway), - emphasizing the importance of the LCOIR-UA project topic to promote the principles of low-carbon economy in Ukraine and to prepare public opinion for the friendly perception of transition processes Ukrainian energy to “green” technology: Clean Coal Technology and the technology CO2 Capture and Storage.
Then greeted the participants of the Roundtable addressed Ms. Ellina LEVINA, energy analyst at the International Energy Agency (France, online), - which highlighted the prospects of development of legislative and regulatory framework for the introduction of technology CO2 Capture and Storage at power plants in Ukraine.
Welcoming the participants of the Roundtable Dr. Sergio PERSOGLIA, Secretary General of the European Association of Experts on the Geological Storage of CO2 (Italy, online), - noted the need for cooperation among all the countries of Europe in addressing the problems of climate change and, above all, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions especially CO2.
The Roundtable morning session began with a summary report “Preliminary results of the project “Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine” - Guidelines for the Implementation of Technologies Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine”, which introduced Mykola SHESTAVIN, leading researcher of the Donetsk National University, Ph.D., LCOIR-UA project coordinator. The report summarizes the significant results of the project (two geographic information systems, 3 databases, 9 literature reviews, 2 web site, 6 scientific publications, 4 events, etc.), as well as to discuss the proposed project “Guidelines for the Implementation of Technologies Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage in the East of Ukraine”.
Then there was a presentation of “CO2 Capture and Storage in Ukraine & a Commercial Value Chain”, where Mr. Keith WHIRISKEY, adviser on energy and CO2 capture and storage of the International NGO “BELLONA” (Norway), - presented a proposal for commercial use on CO2 captured thermal power plant to enhance oil and gas recovery in Ukraine.
Later in an interactive dialogue on the Internet delivered a report “CO2 Capture and Storage: critical decade to fulfill its potential in GHG mitigation”, which made Ms. Ellina LEVINA, energy analyst at the International Energy Agency (France, online), - where the necessity of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the place of technology CO2 Capture and Storage in the process of stabilizing the climate on a global scale.
Following a presentation of the “Projects of CO2 Capture and Storage in Poland”, presented by Dr. Adam WOJCICKI, head of the structural geological mapping of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (Poland, online), - was summed experience of several projects on research and technology deployment CO2 Capture and Storage in Poland.
Next was a presentation of “ÑÎ2 geological storage technologies – the integrated approach”, where Prof. Saulius SLIAUPA, head of the regional geology of the Institute of Geology and Geography of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Nature (Lithuania, video), - considered the experience of several countries in the European Union, the U.S. and Canada in research and the practical application of technologies of geological storage of CO2.
Presentation “Developing CCS in the United Kingdom”, presented by Dr. Ward GOLDTHORPE, Programme Manager CCS Company “The Crown Estate” (United Kingdom, online), - displays UK business sensitive approach to addressing climate change and the introduction of technologies to capture and geological storage of CO2.
Then, in the presentation of “The geological storage CO2 in Italy” Dr. Sergio PERSOGLIA, Secretary General of the European Association of Experts on the Geological Storage of CO2, (Italy, online), - highlighted the results of research and pilot projects for geological storage of CO2 in Italy.
The Roundtable afternoon session began with a presentation “The choice of reducing carbon dioxide emissions”, presented by Prof. Sergei VYSOTSKY, head of the department of ecology and nature at Automobile and Road Institute of Donetsk National Technical University, Dr., Prof., - and drew attention the need to replace fossil fuels in biological energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The following presentation “Development of bases for optimizing the placement of underground storage of CO2 in industrial regions of Ukraine and monitoring of their condition from the surface using the complex of geophysical methods” Mykola KYSELYOV, Director of the Scientifically and Technical Center of mineral resources and facilities at the Ukrainian Research Institute of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ph.D., - proposed specific techniques for finding and determination of underground storage of CO2, and to monitor their condition.
Then, in the presentation “From energy efficiency to lower greenhouse gas emissions: the introduction of the European experience and best practices in Ukraine” Yury OZERSKY, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Energy Technology and Low-Carbon Tecnologies, Ph.D., - considered the possibility of the Ukraine-known in the world low-carbon technologies.
Later in the presentation of “Responsibility and business opportunities in combating climate change”, which presented Alexei MIKHAILOV, manager of management on the generation of electricity, Donbass Fuel-Energy Company, - and emphasized the responsibility of the business relationship to the problems of climate change.
The final presentation of the “Presentation of the Ukrainian translation of the European Association CO2GeoNet brochure “What does CO2 geological storage really mean?”, presented by Mykola SHESTAVIN, leading researcher of the Donetsk National University, Ph.D., LCOIR-UA project coordinator, - providing brief to set out the brochure, which has been published in 24 languages and the right to transfer to the Ukrainian language was provided as part of the LCOIR-UA project.
Finally Roundtable Prof. Svitlana BESPALOVA, Vice-Rector for Research of the Donetsk National University, Dr., Prof., Scientific Director of the Project LCOIR-UA, - summed up the work of the Roundtable and announced the next event, the International Science and Practical Symposium: Internet-Conference “LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION for REGIONS of UKRAINE”, to be held November 29, 2012, and the acceptance of applications for participation in the virtual Internet-Conference (using Webcast Ustream, Video of Skype or E-mail) and materials for publication of Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Symposium “LOW-CARBON OPEN INNOVATION for REGIONS of UKRAINE” ends November 19, 2012 (inclusive).
At the conclusion of the Roundtable, the participants still continued discussions and exchange of views on important issues to address climate change.
Photo-Report of the Roundtable: