Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

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Information on Climate Technologies:

What is CCS?

CO2 Capture:
- Post-combustion capture
- Oxy-fuel combustion capture
- Pre-combustion capture >
- Capture from air

CO2 Transport:
- Transport by ship
- Transport by pipeline

CO2 Storage:
- What does CO2 geological storage really mean?
- Cases study of geological storage of CO2 in Europe
- Cases study of geological storage of CO2 in world
- GIS CO2 Sinks in Ukraine

CO2 Monitoring:

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> Pre-combustion capture

An alternative approach, pre-combustion capture, involves Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC). In this type of plant, the fuel is not burnt, but is reacted at high pressure and temperature to form a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. This gas stream is then reacted further with water to convert the residual carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and hydrogen, allowing the carbon dioxide to be captured and sent to storage. The hydrogen is burnt to produce power, leaving water vapour as the main exhaust to the atmosphere.

Schematic representation of pre-combustion CO2 capture.

Source: Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) in Australian

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