Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

Home >> Resources >> Information on Climate Technologies

Information on Climate Technologies:

What is CCS?

CO2 Capture:
- Post-combustion capture
- Oxy-fuel combustion capture
- Pre-combustion capture
- Capture from air

CO2 Transport:
- Transport by ship
- Transport by pipeline

CO2 Storage:
- What does CO2 geological storage really mean? >
- Cases study of geological storage of CO2 in Europe
- Cases study of geological storage of CO2 in world
- GIS CO2 Sinks in Ukraine

CO2 Monitoring:

Locations of visitors to this page Visitors to this web-site

> What does CO2 geological storage really mean?


Below and on the following pages contains content of Brochure, which can be download HERE or read as e-book HERE.

Brochure prepared the CO2GeoNet - European Network of Excellence

A responsible use of fossil fuels

Removing the main source of greenhouse gases

Returning the carbon back into the ground

Giving us the time needed to develop climate-friendly energy sources


Climate change and the need for CO2 geological storage

1. Where and how much CO2 can we store underground?

2. How can we transport and inject large quantities of CO2?

3. What happens to the CO2 once in the storage reservoir?

4. Could CO2 leak from the reservoir and, if so, what might be the consequences?

5. How can we monitor the storage site at depth and at the surface?

6. What safety criteria need to be imposed and respected?


What is CO2GeoNet can do for you?

This Brochure was produced thanks to the contributions: Rob Arts, Stanley Beaubien, Tjirk Benedictus, Isabelle Czernichowski-Lauriol, Hubert Fabriol, Marie Gastine, Ozgur Gundogan, Gary Kirby, Salvatore Lombardi, Franz May, Jonathan Pearce, Sergio Persoglia, Gijs Remmelts, Nick Riley, Mehran Sohrabi, Rowena Stead, Samuella Vercelli, Olga Vizika-Kavvadias.

A vision of the future

No more smoking chimneys

A pipeline brings CO2 and puts it in the ground

This is good for the Earth

For our children CO2 geological storage makes sense

Source: The European Network of Excellence on the Geological Storage of CO2

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© Donetsk National University, 2011-2014