What CO2GeoNet can do for you
CO2GeoNet is the European scientific community you can turn to for clear and comprehensive information about CO2 geological storage, an innovative and vital climate-change mitigation technology. CO2GeoNet was initiated by the European Commission as a Network of Excellence under the 6th Framework Programme (EC FP6 contract 2004-2009). It joins together 13 institutes from 7 European countries, all with a high international profile and critical mass in terms of CO2 geological storage research. In 2008, CO2GeoNet registered as a non-profit Association under French Law so as to continue its activities beyond the end of the EC support.
CO2GeoNet has broad experience in research projects addressing: the reservoir, the cap rock, potential passageways for CO2 migration up to the ground surface, monitoring tools, potential impacts on humans and ecosystems, public perception and communication. CO2GeoNet offers a variety of services in four main domains: 1) joint research; 2) training and capacity building; 3) scientific advice; 4) information and communication.
CO2GeoNet has progressively gained strength and become a durable scientific reference and authority in Europe, capable of providing the necessary scientific support for the wide-scale and safe deployment of CO2 geological storage. The expansion of this community to give pan-European coverage is underway through the CGS Europe project, a Coordination Action financed by the EC FP7 (2010-2013).
CGS Europe joins together the sound nucleus of the CO2GeoNet Association and 21 other research institutes, thus covering 28 European countries (24 Member States and 4 Associated Countries). As a result, a pool of several hundred scientists is available, capable of dealing with all aspects of CO2 geological storage through multidisciplinary integration. Our aim is to provide stakeholders and the public with independent and scientifically sound information on CO2 geological storage.
CO2GeoNet: the European Network of Excellence on the Geological Storage of CO2
BGR (Germany);
BRGM (France);
GEUS (Denmark);
IFPEN (France);
OGS (Italy); IRIS (Norway);
SPR Sintef (Norway);
TNO (Netherlands); URS (Italy)
CGS Europe: the Pan-European Coordination Action on the Geological Storage of CO2
CO2GeoNet (the 13 members listed above);
CzGS (Czech Republic);
GBA (Austria);
GEOECOMAR (Romania);
GEO-INZ (Slovenia);
G-IGME (Greece);
GSI (Ireland);
GTC (Lithuania);
GTK (Finland);
LEGMC (Latvia);
ELGI (Hungary);
LNEG (Portugal);
METU-PAL (Turkey);
PGI-NRI (Poland);
RBINS-GSB (Belgium);
SGU (Sweden);
SGUDS (Slovakia);
S-IGME (Spain);
SU (Bulgaria);
TTUGI (Estonia);
UB (Serbia);
UNIZG-RGNF (Croatia).
CO2GeoNet has gained broad recognition on the European and international scene
CO2GeoNet is endorsed by the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF)
CO2GeoNet collaborates closely with the Greenhouse Gas Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEAGHG)
Brochure background
In order to raise public awareness on the geological storage of CO2, CO2GeoNet tackled the overarching question “What does CO2 geological storage really mean?”. A team of eminent scientists from CO2GeoNet prepared state-of-the-art answers to six pertinent questions, based on research and experience worldwide. The goal was to deliver clear and unbiased scientific information to a broad audience, and to encourage dialogue on essential questions concerning the technical aspects of CO2 geological storage. This work, summarized here in this brochure, was presented during a Training and Dialogue workshop held in Paris on 3rd October 2007.
“What does CO2 geological storage really mean?” is downloadable in many languages at: www.co2geonet.com/brochure
The European Network of Excellence
on the geological storage of CO2
Secretariat: info@co2geonet.com
BGS Natural Environment Research Council-British Geological Survey,
BGR Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe,
BRGM Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres,
GEUS Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland,
HWU Heriot-Watt University,
IFPEN IFP Energies nouvelles,
IMPERIAL Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
NIVA Norwegian Institute for Water Research,
OGS Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale,
IRIS International Research Institute of Stavanger,
SPR SINTEF Petroleumsforskning AS,
TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research,
URS Universita di Roma La Sapienza-CERI.
Source: The European Network of Excellence on the Geological Storage of CO2
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