Low-Carbon Opportunities for Industrial Regions of Ukraine (LCOIR-UA)

Home >> Resources >> Information on Climate Technologies

Information on Climate Technologies:

What is CCS? >

CO2 Capture:
- Post-combustion capture
- Oxy-fuel combustion capture
- Pre-combustion capture
- Capture from air

CO2 Transport:
- Transport by ship
- Transport by pipeline

CO2 Storage:
- What does CO2 geological storage really mean?
- Cases study of geological storage of CO2 in Europe
- Cases study of geological storage of CO2 in world
- GIS CO2 Sinks in Ukraine

CO2 Monitoring:

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> What is Carbon Capture and Storage? An Overview

An Overview

Carbon Capture and Storage, typically referred to as CCS, is a process designed to:
- Capture carbon dioxide CO2 emissions from large industrial facilities such as coal, oil and gas facilities and other industrial operations before the CO2 is emitted to the atmosphere,
- Transport the CO2 through pipelines, and
- Permanently store the CO2 in deep, secure underground formations.

An integrated Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) system would combine these features to provide for safe reduction of industrial CO2 emissions. The technology for each of these elements exists today and initial international and domestic CCS demonstration projects have been completed. They confirm the potential for large scale CCS implementation.

Source: Integrated CO2 Network in Canada

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